Chopper Portrait.Of.Pirates One Piece

Hurmmm..Not sure what to write here. Just something new in my collection. Not a huge fan of one piece. The story is just too long. Never ending with too many fillers. Currently the anime is at 620 something episode, and its not going to end anytime soon. I predict that it could reach thousands of episodes something before they wrap it up. What i got here is known as chooper the raccoon. Hurmm, actually i am a bit unsure whether its a raccoon or some kind of rain dear since there are horns coming from the sides of the head piece.

2014-08-07 11.00.17 2014-08-07 11.02.05 2014-08-07 11.04.00 2014-08-07 11.04.26 2014-08-07 11.04.44 2014-08-07 11.04.54 2014-08-07 11.05.38 2014-08-07 11.08.35

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